Want to start a blog and get paid through the blog?

 Yes you can do both at once!

 After all, what could be better than following your Passion and earning Passive Income there?  This is a great way to start building your online life.  This will help you reach new heights.

The following may be some of the reasons why you should start writing blog.  They

  •  Money

  •  Popularity

  •  Sharing your knowledge

  •  Social impact

  •  Document your thoughts

  •  Passive income

  •  Things for free gadjets and review

  •  Inviting Conferences and Bloggers to Meet

 Or something else.

If you are new to blog writing, here are some questions you should ask to start a blog!

  •  Where to start blogging (platform to blogging)

  •  Which Niche Should You Take?  (Blog topic)

  •  What is your domain name?

  •  How to buy a domain name?

  •  Where to host your blog?

  •  How to buy hosting for your domain name?

  •  How to install your blog under Domain Name

  •  What should be the design of your blog?

  •  What are the essential elements to make your blog shine?

  •  How to write the first blog post

 In this post, you will see the answer to these questions.  It is useful to get you started on the blog.

steps to start a blog: -

 STEP 1: First select the blog topic (niche).

 STEP 2: You have to choose which platform you are going to write.

STEP 3: You need to buy a domain name for your blog.

 STEP 4: After that you need to buy a web hosting account.

 STEP 5: Start a blog in WordPress.

 STEP 6: Design the blog.

 STEP 7: Write your first blog post.

 STEP 8: You must share what you wrote to the world.

STEP 9: Monetize your plan.

 STEP 10: Get Traffic and get more exposure.

1. Your blog for a perfect niche: -

 After you decide to write a blog, the most important thing to note is the "Niche" of your blog.  That is what you are going to write about on the blog.  I mean blog topic in English.

 You have cinema news, recipes, beauty  etc..,
 You will find that you can write notes and medical topics on a single blog.  It does not work at this time.  You write a blog with the same title.  If you thought you could write about the recipe, write only about it.  Do not include other topics in the blog.  Only then will your chances of success be better.

How do I find a topic for your blog?

 Below are some tips to help you out.

* Find a topic that you know better than anything else.  It doesn't have to be the work you do.  Whatever it may be.  Try to think of a topic you want to talk about the most.  You can talk about it for several hours.

* It is best to choose a topic that you will read regularly.  The title you always read will be your favorite.

* And make sure you are very interested in a particular topic.  And you can add value through your own insights.

* For beginners, I would recommend finding your favorite topics with the help of pen paper.  That's how you write the column you want to column.  Examples include fashion, technology, finance, photography, scientific research, child care, health care and more.  Now try to write 5 post ideas for those different column headings.  When you write the title for the record, think about what you can write without taking note.  By the end of the fifth article, it will help you find the niche you like most.
This is an important step before starting a blog.  Because it can help you choose a topic you like the most.  If you choose a topic that you want to talk about, it will ensure that you will never have a hard time.  So consider that you have chosen the main topic for your blog (Niche).  It might make some money for you.

 This is the first and most important step in starting a new blog in selecting the appropriate niche.

2. Choose a blogging platform: -

 As soon as you appear to be writing the blog, the question that arises is where to write the blog.  Right?

 If you ask me, I would say you write a blog on self-hosted platforms.  You may be wondering why I shouldn't write a blog on the free platform.

Want to answer this question? Here....

 There are two types of Platforms that you can think of as writing a blog.  They are free platforms and self-hosted platforms.  Knowing these two, you will make a clear decision.

Free Platforms: -

 There are lots of free platforms is available on online like WordPress.com and Blogger for a lot of new blog is there.

 Writing your blog on them will have to comply with their rules and regulations.  They can terminate your plan without any reason.  Not only that, but their domain name is behind your blog URL.

 For example, if you start a blog in Blogger, your blog name will look like Yourblogname.blogspot.com.  Even if you think the name is okay, sometimes people are more likely to ignore you.  (When you're not famous).

One of the specialties of using Free Platform is that you don't need to spend any money.

 When you place ads on your blog, they can control them.  Sometimes they give their advertising.

 If you really want to make money with Blog, then it's good to go to Self Hosted Platforms.

Self hosted platforms: -

 Self-hosted platforms allow you to use your own blog name.

 The most popular self hosted platform is WordPress.org.  30% of bloggers in the world use this.

 In this you can always use the Plugin you need.  You can configure the blog without knowing any coding knowledge.

 If you are wondering if you can start a blog on a free platform blogger or a self hosted platform on WordPress.org, the following link is helpful.

3. Pick a Domain Name: -

  •  It should be easy to remember.

  •  It should be easy to type.

  •  Be simple to pronounce.

 There are three things to keep in mind when selecting your domain name.

 The name of your plan will be an important part of your success.  The domain name is the URL of your blog.  Any visitor can use the URL to open your blog and view it.

 For example: - www.incrdiblestech.com

 This way, it will cost you around 600-800 rupees to buy your favorite domain name.  I help you save money and buy a domain name.

 Now you have a few rules for choosing the best name for your new blog.  I recommend it to you from my experience.

  • Want to buy .com domain name.

  •  Your domain name must be simple to spell and type.

  •  For those who ask for your domain name, it shouldn't be confusing.

 You can check whether your domain name is available or not in the Bluehost Domain Suggestion feature.  Enter your blog name and the currently available domain names

 We can check there.

 And with this you can buy the domain name for free for a year when you buy the domain name.  That way you can save up to 600-800.

And don't forget those three rules I mentioned above.  And when choosing a domain name for your blog, follow these steps.

  •  Do not use a large domain name.  Make sure it is less than 15 characters.  For example, Incrediblestech.

  •  Avoid buying a .info, .net and similar domain name.  This is because the search engine will lower your rank.  My recommendation is to buy a domain name like .com, .in, and .org.

4. Get a web hosting account: -

 After selecting the domain name, you must choose the most reliable hosting service.  Because the functionality and performance of your blog depends on hosting.  It is also where your files are stored.  Your Blog must be running 24/7 for your readers.

 Many hosting companies also offer domain registration services.  Some people buy domain name in one company and hosting account in another company.  What I would recommend is to buy everything in a hosting account.  Because it can be managed and maintained without any hassle.

 Choosing the wrong web hosting option can cause a lot of problems for your blog.  You are going to buy a mobile phone.  You buy the phone at a non-receptionist mobile company.  Even when you buy, buy from trusted companies.

 As far as I know, Bluehost is a reliable hosting company.  99% of blogging experts recommend using it with WordPress.org.

5.About a blog on WordPress: -

 In this section we will show you how to sign up for a web hosting account and how to set up a WordPress blog.

 1. Visit Bluehost :

 There are lots of hosting companies.  But the reason for leaving them all is to choose Bluehost because of the following features.  They

  •  Free SSL

  •  Unlimited bandwidth

  •  Unlimited storage

  •  Free domain name (Saving of $ 12 / year)

  •  Easy to use cPanel

  •  Live chat support

  •  30 day money back guarantee

 The best part is, it is further reduced from $ 3.95 per month and only costs $ 2.95.

 Well ... how to buy this.

  •  Go to the Bluehost site using the link below.

  •  Then click on "Get Started".

2.Select your blog's hosting plan :

 You can start by selecting your favorite plan.  If you are just starting out, you can choose Basic plan.  You can choose Plus for all kinds of needs.  Generally this is required for popular bloggers.

3. Input your blog's domain name :

 Enter the domain name that you have already selected in the "New Domain" box and click "Next".  Bluehost will show you whether or not that domain name is available to you.  Some suggestions will be shown to you if not available.  You can even choose those names if you like.

4. Bluehost registration :

 After selecting the domain name, Bluehost will take you to the registration page.  Then give your details.

5. Select your hosting option :

 Package information should give you the time period you need.  You can choose between 12 months, 24 months or 36 months.  Package extras are ticked if you need them.  Untick it if not needed.

It is a good idea to buy and protect Domain privacy.  This is because you can make your profiles safer without others knowing.

 Payment information can be paid with your credit / debit card.  If you want to pay via PayPal you can click on More Payment Options.

6. Launch your WordPress blog with Bluehost

 Congratulations.  We have done almost all the work.  Your domain name and web hosting have been linked.  Set up WordPress right now.

 Go to the Bluehost cPanel account.  Go to the “My sites” area and click Install WordPress.  Bluehost has the most popular One Click setup, making blog creation easy.

 If you go to your site's URL now, you will see a page called 'Coming soon'.  This is because you have not yet made your site live.

 For this, you need to set up and design a WordPress site before you start.  Once it's done, go back to 'cPanel' and click 'Launch' and live your site.

6. Select a WordPress theme to design your blog: -

  •  Blogging platform?  Selected ...

  •  Blog niche?  Selected ...

  •  Domain name?  Selected ...

 There is a proverb "The first impression is the last impression" in English. You should write a blog with this proverb in mind.

 Blog design is one of the most important aspects of your blog.  Because a good design will ensure that your visitors love your blog.  In fact, it will get your audience back to your blog.  Imagine your blog design with a nice outfit.

WordPress has a structure called "WordPress themes".  It has ready-made designs for all types of blogs.

 There are many free and premium WordPress themes.  I always recommend going to Premium themes.  Because you get all kinds of support and a starter guide.  Also, you have quality design for your blog.

I recommend you easy-to-use modern theme clubs here.

 Genesis: -

 This is one of the best theme frameworks out there.  This theme is used on the website Shoutmeloud.  You can buy this Theme and Skin and make it suitable for you.

 Astra theme: -

 It's a lightweight theme.  It provides a template for all types of blogs.  Once you install this theme, you can choose a template that is ready-made.  And your blog design will be ready in 30-45 minutes.  This is the perfect companion for any new WordPress blog.

 There are many more premium WordPress theme clubs available.  But I would recommend either of the above for a professional start.

7. Writing your first blog post: -

 You will definitely make some mistakes when you write new.  Very good to avoid it.  Some of the things I will say below are useful when you post on the blog.

 As you write content, imagine that someone is sitting opposite you.  You're just going to talk to him.  Write down how you're going to talk to him.  Because only one person will read your blog post.  For example, you may be reading this post alone.  In this, I will write as if I were talking to you.  'I' is 'you' and my writing will be.

 When you write a content, write about the headline and understand everything about it.  Write more than 1000 characters.

 Don't take images from Google.  Use sites that offer free images for it.

 You can use videos from YouTube as embed in your post.

8. Add important pages on your blog: -

 The following pages should be on your blog from the very first day you started writing.

 About page: -

 This page should contain information about you and your blog.  It can give you a lot of information, including who you are, what you read, and why you write Blog.  For example you can check out my "About me" page.

 Contact page: -

 Visitors to your blog can use this page to keep in touch with you and ask you about their doubts.  You can enter your email address or social networking page address or contact form.

 Media kit page: -

 You don't need this page right now.  But you need to know about this.  On this page, you need to give your blog traffic and all the information that advertisers need to serve you ads.

 9. Driving traffic to your blog: -

 Knowing about everything, starting with the blog, and the first post.  Your blog is currently live.

 Next, you should get more traffic.  

 Read the following post to make your blog visible to all in Google search.

 Currently, find some useful information to get traffic to your newly started blog.

 10. Getting Social:

 When you start your blog, you should let others know.  That way your visitors can always stay in touch with you.

 To keep in touch with you, you will need a Facebook page, an Instagram account and a Twitter account.

 You can find out in google search how to get started with the link below.

 11. Easy Steps in Blogging with Make Money: -

 There are many ways you can earn money through Blog as Passive Income.  Here are the most popular ways:

  •  Google AdSense

  •  Media.net

  •  Affiliate marketing

  •  Sponsored content

  •  Amazon affiliate marketing

  •  Direct Ad Sales

  •  Own digital products like ebooks, online course.

 I have already written about this with a blog on how to make money through Blog.

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