Do you want to grow your audience?  Do you have a message you want to share with the world?

 If you are a blogger, writer, or entrepreneur, you may be thinking about self-publishing a book.

 There is no chance a book will make or break you.  But this is a powerful extension of your business or blog.

You may have heard of Amazon kdp.  But have you heard of the rest?

 Ever heard of Gumroad or Inkshares or Smashwords?

 Let us clarify the most important thing.  Your choices fall under 3 categories.

 (1) Direct to ebook retailers: -

 95% of sales to book retailers go through Amazon (80%), iTunes (10%), Nook (3%), Kobo (2%).

 (2) Aggregators: -

 These sites allow you to upload and distribute large (see above) and small booksellers + libraries simultaneously.  This is easy to do, but will cost more.

 (3) Off - beat: -

 You can publish and sell your books through smaller off-site Gumroad, Leanpub, Kickstarter and Unbound with more off beat methods.  That doesn’t make sense to everyone.  But for some authors, they do better.

 Many of the authors I researched seemed to link directly to Amazon KDB + using an aggregator for all other sites.  This would be a good place to start.  But opinions vary from author to author.

If you are selling your professional work
 (Ex: - coding) I would recommend a site like Gumroad.  There you can easily offer more digital products.

 But more "traditional" sites may require more "traditional" information.

The 7 Most Popular Sites To Sell With Ebook: -

 1.Amazon kdp:

 About 80% of ebooks sold in English-speaking countries are sold from Amazon store accounts.

 As you may know from this, Amazon KDP is the most popular ebook for sale site

Here you can convert and sell your book to millions of potential readers.

 Pricing: -

 If your eBook is priced between $ 2.99 to $ 9.99, Amazon will give you royalty - 70% off.  Conversely, if your eBook is priced below $ 2.99 and $ 9.99
 Royalty - only 35% off (Royalty table here).  Note: - 70% of the plan is based on the seller's net income and 35% is based on the total book value of the plan book.  (So ​​35% might be better.)

 Other features: -


 Kdp select allows you to make a 90-day exclusive digital distribution deal.  Instead, your books are available in the Kindle Lending Library.  Amazon Prime members can view their books for free on due dates (you get paid royalties for each book borrowed).  You can choose between Kindle countdown deals or free book promotion.

 There is also the option to use Createspace to create and distribute printed books.

 Verdict: -

 Most authors will use Amazon to sell their books.  But the question is whether to go straight to them and choose their exclusive project.  Most experienced writers seem to say "no" to both of these.  But if you are just starting out and don't care about small sites, it can be an easy option.  You can mix and match this with a site like Gumroad.

 To sell your books abroad on Amazon, you need to create a central author account and upload it to these individual sites.

 If you are outside the US but want to publish on Amazon US - read this.

2) Apple's iBooks Author:

 Apple is growing and has an excessive market share.

 They receive 10% of all ebook sales.  This is a small one.  But the popularity of Apple products makes it an attractive site.

 Pricing: -

 iBooks royalty rates are 70% for all prices and for all regions.  Publishing on iBooks requires the iTunes producer program.  It is only available for a Mac.  If your computer lacks the software to run Mac programs, you need to take one of two steps to get your books on the site.  To publish you need to buy a Mac credit or go to third party publishers like Drafts2Digital or Smashwords.

 Verdict: -

 Seriously, it's worth it.  This is because you can download more in the iBooks App than the Kindle App within the Apple ecosystem.  If you have Mac and time, go straight here.  If not, use an aggregator (see below) to list your books.

3) Kobo writing life:

 2% of total ebook sales take place through Kobo.  There is a good reason to consider this site even more - international sales.

 Upload your files in Kobo writing life and your book will be available in 190 countries.

 Pricing: -

 If your ebook costs $ 1.99 to $ 12.99, the royalty rate is 70%.  If it exceeds 45%.

 Verdict: -

 They have a small range in the UK and the US.  But as they reach Asia, the rest of the United States and beyond, they are very good for long-term writers.  However, if you are not a professional writer I would recommend publishing on Kobo via a coordinator rather than uploading directly.

 (4) Smashwords: -

 This is an original and primitive aggregation platform on a much larger scale than Drafts2Digital.

 Smashwords was set in 2008 by writer Mark Coker.  It also allows you to distribute your titles to many smaller booksellers, such as B&N, Baker and Taylor, and to library networks such as Overdrive and Gardeners.

 Pricing: -

 You will be charged 15% of the sales you receive (after the retailer's costs have been taken).

 Verdict: -

 Smashwords was one of the first two popular aggregation sites to come up against Drafts2Digital.  Opinions are divided: - Some authors are loyal to Smashword.  Others prefer Drafts2Digital's modern website.  Smashwords distributes to more sites.  But the truth is, Drafts2Digital includes the most important ones (iBooks, Nook, Kobo).

 (5) Drafts2Digital:

 (Kindlepreneur Dave chesson) Recommended.  This is the first of the two best-known collectors.

 They will convert your book and distribute it to ibooks, Nooks, Kobo and other small stores.

If you have less time, good.  But your book should be available everywhere.

 Pricing: -

 Look at the verdict of Smashwords.  If you ask me what to choose, I would recommend Drafts2Digital.  This is because its interface is easy to use.

6) Gumroad:

  This is a simple site created by Teen genius Sahil lavingia to connect creators and buyers.

  You can integrate your book sales into your website or social media account.

  It is popular among artists and coders for selling books and digital products.  This is especially useful if you want to sell audio, video, extra documents, etc. as bulk products with your book.

  Nathan Barry (Founder of converkit) used it to sell $ 500k worth of products and books.

  Pricing: -

  Costs per transaction for the free version is 8.5% + 30 cents, or if you have a premium version, the sale fee is 3.5% +30 cents.

  Verdict: -

  It's a perfect addition if you provide a digital bundle around your book.

  (7) Unbound (UK) or Inkshares (US):

  Eric Ries ran the popular Good Kickstarter campaign for his second book, The Good Leader.  If you have a crowd and followers, you can only consider Crowdfunding sites for publication.

  Unbound is a UK-based Maverick publisher known for awarding award-winning titles in the UK.

  US-based Inkshares has made a similar point.

  They both work as traditional publishers, marketers, designers and editors.  But you should be actively involved in raising money beforehand.  You need to prove that there is a need for your book.

  Pricing: -

  The catch is that not only do you have to raise a large sum to pay for the book, but your royalty is 35% (Inkshares), 50% (No Trills Option Quill, part of Inkshare), and 50% (Unbound).

  Verdict: -

  It is important to consider if you have a crowd that already wants your book.

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